Culture in Poznań


White inscriptions in a black circle - logo of UAP Galleries

Exhibitions: UAP Municipal Galleries (Miejskie Galerie UAP)

07.04 – 08.05.2022

Exhibitions in UAP Municipal Galleries (galleries of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań / Miejskie Galerie UAP)

  • exhibition by Łukasz Jagielski in the series Metamorphoses, open until 21.04, 16.04.-18.04. - closed!, Design Gallery (Galeria Design UAP), ul. Wolnica 9; vernissage: April, 7, 6 pm, free admission
  • exhibition by Bartłomiej Bałut accompanying the 11th edition of the painting competition for the Artistic Award of the University of Arts in Poznań (UAP) New Painting/New Look 2022, open until 24.04, Curators' Lab Gallery, ul. Nowowiejskiego 12, opening: April, 14, free admission; 17.04.-18.04. - closed!
  • competition exhibition of the 11th edition of the painting competition for the Artistic Award of the University of Arts in Poznań (UAP) New Painting/New Look 2022, open until 8.05, Old Paper Mill Gallery (Galeria Stara Papiernia UAP), ul. Szyperska 8; vernissage: April, 26, 6 pm, free admission
  • exhibition Why nature abhors a vacuum? (Dlaczego natura nie znosi próżni?) by Sebastian Trzoska accompanying the 11th edition of the painting competition for the Artistic Award of the University of Arts in Poznań (UAP) New Painting/New Look 2022, open until 8.05, Curators' Lab Gallery, ul. Nowowiejskiego 12, vernissage: April, 27, 6 pm, free admission